Reiki healing therapy helps balance the energy systems of the body by increasing our vibrational frequency. It is believed that when the life force energy (aka: chi) within the body is balanced it leads to increased relaxation, improved health and an overall feeling of well-being and happiness. Reiki is the perfect way to encourage energetic balance because it helps restore and reset energetic imbalances, negative emotions and physical issues within the body from the inside out.
Reiki treatments can work wonders on people too! Reiki is used to accelerate the body's own ability to self heal. Reiki energy brings about a very deep state of relaxation, helps remove emotional and physical energy blockages, detoxifies the body systems and renews vitality in the form of healing energy. Our pets can feel the energy of their people and I often do Reiki sessions on both the pet and the pet's owner. *Price does not reflect possible travel fee depending on location.
A Reiki treatment can also be done on people remotely through distance sessions. All that is needed is a current video or photo and a quiet place in your home. Distance healing addresses physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual imbalances and promotes holistic wellness by supporting the body's innate ability to heal itself. It facilitates stress reduction, pain relief, mental clarity and restores inner balance and spiritual growth.
Reiki and Chakra Energy Clearing sessions are a great way to stay balanced and healthy. These mini sessions are designed to help you stay balanced. It is important to maintain your energy systems within. By increasing your vibrational frequency and patterns you can stay more grounded and positive. It is believed that when the life force energy (aka: chi) within the body is balanced it leads to increased relaxation, improved health and an overall feeling of well-being and happiness. *Remote only.
Please keep in mind that Reiki healing is a complimentary treatment and should not be used to replace conventional care or to postpone seeing a veterinarian about your pet's health and well being. Reiki treatments are not a substitute for veterinary care for your pet or medical care for humans. Always seek medical advice for any illness or injury from a licensed medical professional.
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Feeling a little stressed, overwhelmed or out of balance?
Reiki is for everyone and Reiki Dog Healing now offers our Reiki services to people too!