A certified Reiki Practitioner channels healing energy through their hands to the animal with a light touch either directly on the body or from a distance. The time for an Animal Reiki treatment varies according to the animal and the way they receive the energy during the session. My experience with Reiki for animals, Reiki for dogs or Reiki for any pet, has been that they are much more receptive than humans and often the energy flow is fast and effective in a shorter period of time.
You can choose the traditional hands on Reiki Treatment or the Distance Reiki Treatment. Most pets enjoy the hands on Reiki treatment, however some may be more comfortable from a slight distance. The Reiki treatments are equally effective whether being given directly hands on, a few feet away or from across the room.
This option is for an In-Person Reiki energy session. *Price does not reflect possible travel fee depending on location.
Reiki healing is also done with distance treatments that are given remotely with a video or photos and information about your pet. It should be done at a quiet time of the day. Distance Reiki has been proven to be extremely effective, sometimes even more effective than hands on Reiki treatment.
I have done distance Reiki on lost dogs, dogs with illnesses, anxiety issues and more, all with great success.
Rescue animals and wildlife living in foster homes, shelters and rescue sites are often confused and sometimes have medical issues and injuries from abuse and neglect. They need medical care and time to decompress. Reiki is an amazing addition to their health care and rehabilitation. Reiki helps with pain, reduces stress and the feelings of confusion they experience from not understanding where they are. Volunteer Reiki sessions can be done remotely to all animal in need of comfort and love xo
Please keep in mind that Reiki healing is a complimentary treatment and should not be used to replace conventional care or to postpone seeing a veterinarian about your pet's health and well being. Reiki treatments are not a substitute for veterinary care for your pet or medical care for humans. Always seek medical advice for any illness or injury from a licensed medical professional.
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